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ImageImageImageMETRO RHYTHM has returned and is starting the season with an inaugural reading at our new location, Outpost Cafe in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn. Join us Friday, October 18TH, 8PM for the best gathering of poets anywhere in NYC. Come for the verse, stay for the vino and pints.

Timothy Donnelly is the author of Twenty-seven Props for a Production of Eine Lebenszeit (Grove, 2003) and The Cloud Corporation (Wave, 2010; Picador, 2011), for which he won the 2012 Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award. His poems have been widely anthologized and translated and have appeared in such periodicals as A Public Space, Fence, Harper’s, The Iowa Review, jubilat, Lana Turner, The Nation, The New Republic, The Paris Review and elsewhere.

Tadeusz Dąbrowski (b. 1979) is a Polish poet, essayist, and critic. Editor of the literary bimonthly Topos, he has been published in many journals in his native country (among others, Tygodnik Powszechny and Polityka) and abroad (including Boston Review, The American Poetry Review, Poetry Ireland, AGNI Online, and Poetry Wales). He is the winner of numerous awards, including the Kościelski Prize (2009), the Hubert Burda Prize (2008), and the Prize of the Foundation for Polish Culture (2006), and was nominated for the NIKE Literary Award (2010). His work has been translated into twenty languages. Dąbrowski is the author of seven volumes of poetry: Wypieki (1999), e-mail (2000), mazurek (2002), Te Deum (2005, 2008), Czarny kwadrat (2009), Pomiędzy (2013), and Schwarzes Quadrat auf schwarzem Grund (2010, 2011), as well as a collection of poetry in English entitled Black Square (Zephyr Press, 2011), and editor of the anthology Poza slowa: Antologia wierszy 1976–2006 (2006). He lives in Gdańsk on the Baltic coast of Poland. (updated 8/2013)

Laura Eve Engel’s work has recently appeared or is forthcoming in the Boston Review, Crazyhorse, Columbia Poetry Review, Tin House and elsewhere. She was the 2011-2012 Jay C. and Ruth Halls Poetry Fellow at the Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing. During the summer, she is the Residential Program Director of the UVa Young Writers Workshop.

Jameson Fitzpatrick lives in New York, where he is the book columnist for Next Magazine and an MFA candidate at NYU. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Poetry, The Awl, The American Reader, Linebreak and The Los Angeles Review, among elsewhere.

Laura Romeyn was raised in La Crosse, Wisconsin. She is an MFA candidate in poetry at Columbia University and was a 2012 finalist for the AWP Intro Journal Award. Laura currently freelances as an art critic and is the Poetry Editor of Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art. She has been mistaken for a lamb.


Outpost is located at the nexus of four amazing Brooklyn neighborhoods. Clinton Hill, Prospect Heights, Bedford Stuyvesant and Crown Heights.

Outpost is most easily accessible from the C or G trains at Clinton-Washington Avenues. From either station, we’re just a quick jaunt along Fulton Street.

Driving to Outpost is almost as easy. Take the Manhattan Bridge and follow Flatbush Avenue for approximately a mile until you reach Fulton Street. Turn left and proceed 1.5 miles. Outpost will be on your right.

JK SZFrom below the thunders of the deepest summer arises Metro Rhythm! We’re back for our summer installment at the 3rd Annual New York City Poetry Festival. Join us on Governor’s Island as we revel in the limber verses of Julie Kantor and Sean Zhuraw. We will be at the Algonquin Stage at 3:40 on Saturday, July 27th. More information about the New York City Poetry Festival, including ferry schedules and lineups, can be found here.


Julie Kantor has a B.A. in Literature/Writing, Columbia University; an M.S. in Childhood Education, Brooklyn College; and an M.F.A. in Poetry, Columbia University. She is beginning the doctoral program in American Studies at the University of Texas, Austin this fall. She was a New York City Teaching Fellow, and just completed a two-year teaching fellowship in the Undergraduate Writing Program at Columbia University. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in A Public Space, The Boston Review, Maggy, and Foothill. She is a poetry reader for The Boston Review, and is a musician, playing in the band, Cycles, based out of Brooklyn, NY.


Sean Zhuraw’s poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Boston ReviewfoothillJERRY, and The Columbia Review. He’s currently a teaching/writing fellow at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop where he was the winner of the John Logan poetry prize. He volunteers with the Iowa Youth Writing Program and the writing workshop at Oakdale Prison. He graduated from Columbia University and hails from Philadelphia.

ma-vizsolyi jocelynCaseyWhiteman_fullMetro Rhythm is starting off spring with a delightful nosegay of verse for you. On April 13 we’ll have work from some fantastic New York poets– Daniel Wenger, Dolan Morgan, W. M. Lobko, Jocelyn Casey-Whiteman, and M. A. Vizsolyi, to be exact– along with drinks and general bonhomie. And there’s no better place to watch spring hoping eternally around you than Brooklyn Fire Proof.

As usual, we will commence kicking at 8:00 pm. Not as usual, we’re doing our kicking on a Saturday, so you should plan on being fully divested of your weekday cares, and ready to get down with some poems.


Daniel Wenger studies poetry at Brooklyn College and works as an editor at Medium.

Dolan Morgan lives and writes in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, where he is an editor at The Atlas Review. His poems and stories can be found in Pank,The Collagist, Contrary, Armchair/Shotgun, Red Lightbulbs, Field, elimae, TRNSFR, The Believer, and numerous other journals. His work mythologizing airplane hijackings is featured in the documentary project, Fortnight.

W. M. Lobko’s poems, interviews, & reviews have appeared in journals such as Hunger Mountain, Kenyon Review, and The Paris-American. Current work appears in Seneca Review & is forthcoming in The Literary Review & Boston Review. He has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, & was a semi-finalist for the 92Y / Boston Review “Discovery” Prize. He is a Founding Editor of TUBA, a new review of poetry & art. He studied at the University of Oregon & currently teaches in New York.

Jocelyn Casey-Whiteman is author of Lure (Poetry Society of America New York Chapbook Fellowship, 2009). Her poems have appeared in journals such as Boston Review, Guernica, DIAGRAM, Jet Fuel Review, Threaded, and she’s received grants from the Association of Writers & Writing Programs, Columbia University, and the Vermont Studio Center. She earned her MFA in Creative Writing at Columbia University and now writes and teaches yoga in New York City.

M. A. Vizsolyi holds degrees from Pennsylvania State University and New York University, where he was a Starworks Fellow. He has taught poetry at New York University and to pedi-atric patients at the NYU Medical Center. His poems have appeared in numerous journals, including Margie, 6×6, Slice magazine, and Sixth Finch. He teaches skating and ice hockey in Central Park and lives in New York City with his wife, the poet Margarita Delcheva. His book The Lamp With Wings, was selected for the 2010 National Poetry Series Prize by Ilya Kaminsky.

The event is free and open to the public. Please do RSVP on Facebook.

Brett Melnick Metro Rhythm is back and reading to kick-off the 2013 season in style! Come join us at Brooklyn Fire Proof on Friday, February 22nd for a warm winter’s night of poetry and revelry.


After that, we’ll spill back into BFP’s cafe/bar for more good times.

Come early to enjoy BFP’s great food and happy hour specials! Stay late to dance the night away!

Brooklyn Fire Proof is at 119 Ingraham Street in Bushwick, just a couple blocks from the Morgan L.


LYNN MELNICK was born in Indianapolis and grew up in Los Angeles. Her poetry has appeared in BOMB, Denver Quarterly, Guernica, Gulf Coast, jubilat, The Paris Review, A Public Space, and elsewhere. Her fiction has appeared in Opium and Forklift, Ohio, and she has written essays and book reviews for Boston Review, Coldfront, LA Review of Books, Poetry Daily, and VIDAweb, among others. She lives in Brooklyn with her husband and two daughters.

BRETT FLETCHER LAUER is the deputy director of the Poetry Society of America and the poetry editor of A Public Space. His first book, A Hotel in Belgium, is forthcoming from Four Way Press. His poems have appeared in American Poetry Review, Boston Review, Fence, Harper’s, and elsewhere.

CAT RICHARDSON’s poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Tin House, elimae, Four Way Review, and Sonora Review. She is an editor at Bodega (

AMBER GALEO is a born-and-bred New Yorker. She is an M.F.A. candidate in Poetry at Columbia University, and also holds an M.A. in Human Rights from Columbia University. Her poetry and social criticism have appeared in various publications, and she currently works at the Academy of American Poets.

CARL SCHLACHTE is a poet living in Brooklyn, where he is finishing his MFA at Brooklyn College. He is also the editor of The Brooklyn Review’s 30th Anniversary issue. Recent poems have appeared or are forthcoming in The West Wind Review, Underwater New York, and 1913: A Journal of Forms.

December 14: Broder, Pancrazi, McDonald & Seefahrt

broderCome join us at Brooklyn Fire Proof on Friday, December 14 for a holiday special of poetry and music.

Starting at 8pm, we’ll have poetry from Arthur Seefahrt (Columbia), Daniel McDonald (Columbia), Elsbeth Pancrazi (PSA), and Melissa Broder (Meat Heart).

After that, we’ll clear out the chairs and run with the shadows of the night: Foster Mickley will be spinning a set of his danceable wonders.

Come early to enjoy BFP’s great food and happy hour specials! Stay late to dance the night away!


ARTHUR SEEFAHRT hails from Pennsylvania. He lives alone in the wilderness and is the author of nine unpublished children’s books about anthropomorphized fruit and sealife in warring feudal states, which unfortunately were destroyed years ago when his mother cleaned out his bedroom. He also writes poems.

Born near the city of Ur in the 21st century BC, DANIEL MCDONALD is over 200 feet tall with a rectangular base nearly the size of a football pitch. Divided into four progressively diminishing levels accessible by three narrow staircases, his original purpose is unclear. He currently resides in the courtyard of the British Museum.

ELSBETH PANCRAZI studied poetry at Vassar College and New York University. She currently lives in Brooklyn, New York. She will be a 2013 Artist-in-Residence at Caldera Arts in Sisters, Oregon. Her poems and book reviews have appeared on BOMBlog, Bookslut, Boog City Reader, Forklift, Ohio, H_ngm_n, Paperbag, and elsewhere in print and on the web.

MELISSA BRODER is the author of two collections of poems, Meat Heart (Publishing Genius, 2012) and When You Say One Thing But Mean Your Mother (Ampersand, 2010). Poems appear or are forthcoming in Guernica, Fence, The Missouri Review, Redivider, The Awl, et al.


Brooklyn Fire Proof can be found at 119 Ingraham Street, just a couple blocks from the Morgan L. This event is free and open to the public. Please RSVP on Facebook.

This Friday – Now featuring Dorothea Lasky

Hi folks! An update to our lineup: this Friday we’ll have Dottie Lasky headlining. Get ready, Thunderbirds… and RSVP here.

Lasky, Geter, Pond and Valente – THIS FRIDAY

Nears and dears,

It’s getting cold and wintry out there, bit by bit, but never fear– the Metro Rhythm Reading Series has your solution.

This Friday, November 30th at 8pm, come join us at Brooklyn Fire Proof for poetry, beverages, and music to which you can (and will) shake it.

Our excellent readers: Dorothea Lasky, Hafizah Geter, Catherine Pond, and Joanna Valente.

Music to continue our evening and blow your mind: provided by Cycles, featuring poet Julie Kantor.

And, to round it out and provide you with all your favorite poetic sing-and-dance-alongs: a set provided by DJ C-Sharp (AKA poet Liz Clark Wessel).

You won’t want to miss this historic event, our inaugural reading at Brooklyn Fire Proof– an amazing venue in Bushwick, perfectly situated for our winter revelries.

The reading commences at 8 o’clock, but we’ll be starting the party early: Happy Hour runs from 5-8. Brooklyn Fire Proof is located just three blocks from the Morgan L train stop.

Joanna Valente is an MFA candidate in poetry writing at Sarah Lawrence College, where she is also a part-time mermaid. Previous work has appeared in La Fovea, The 22 Magazine, The Westchester Review, and Uphook Press, among others. She founded and currently edits Yes, Poetry. She received BA’s in literature and creative writing from SUNY Purchase.

Catherine Pond was raised in Alpharetta, Georgia. She received her BA from Skidmore College and is currently an MFA candidate in Poetry at Columbia University. She has been published in Death Hums and her work is forthcoming in Salmagundi and Redivider.

Hafizah Geter is a South Carolina native currently living in Brooklyn, New York. She is a Cave Canem Fellow and the recipient of a 2012 Amy Award from Poets & Writers. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in BOXCAR Poetry Review, RHINO, Drunken Boat, New Delta Review, Memorious, and Linebreak.

Dorothea Lasky is the author of three full-length collections of poetry: Thunderbird (Wave Books, 2012), Black Life (Wave Books, 2010), and AWE (Wave Books, 2007). She is also the author of six chapbooks: Matter: A Picturebook (Argos Books, 2012), The Blue Teratorn (Yes Yes Books, 2012), Poetry is Not a Project (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2010), Tourmaline (Transmission Press, 2008), The Hatmaker’s Wife (2006), Art (H_NGM_N Press, 2005), and Alphabets and Portraits (Anchorite Press, 2004). Her poems have appeared in American Poetry Review, Boston Review, Poets & Writers Magazine, The New Yorker, Tin House, The Paris Review, and 6×6, among other places. She is a graduate of the MFA program for Poets and Writers at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst and also has been educated at Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania, and Washington University. She has taught poetry at New York University, Wesleyan University, Columbia University, Fashion Institute of Technology, Heath Elementary School, and Munroe Center for the Arts and has done educational research at the Harvard Museum of Natural History, the Philadelphia Zoo, and Project Zero.


This reading is free and open to the public. Please RSVP on Facebook.

Hot off the presses: Justin Boening

Read brand new work from Justin Boening, who will be reading for Metro Rhythm tomorrow night, at Sixth Finch!

And we’ll see you tomorrow, at 8pm at Blue Angel Wines!


This Friday: Joanna Klink

Here’s a little sample of what’s to come this Friday– a classic poem from Joanna Klink.

We’re excited to see you at the Blue Angel! Don’t forget to RSVP and to like Metro Rhythm on Facebook!

Audio of Camille Rankine

Listen to a sneak peak of our 10/26 headliner Camille Rankine reading her poem, “Symptoms of Island”!