Tag Archive: Boston Review

JK SZFrom below the thunders of the deepest summer arises Metro Rhythm! We’re back for our summer installment at the 3rd Annual New York City Poetry Festival. Join us on Governor’s Island as we revel in the limber verses of Julie Kantor and Sean Zhuraw. We will be at the Algonquin Stage at 3:40 on Saturday, July 27th. More information about the New York City Poetry Festival, including ferry schedules and lineups, can be found here.


Julie Kantor has a B.A. in Literature/Writing, Columbia University; an M.S. in Childhood Education, Brooklyn College; and an M.F.A. in Poetry, Columbia University. She is beginning the doctoral program in American Studies at the University of Texas, Austin this fall. She was a New York City Teaching Fellow, and just completed a two-year teaching fellowship in the Undergraduate Writing Program at Columbia University. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in A Public Space, The Boston Review, Maggy, and Foothill. She is a poetry reader for The Boston Review, and is a musician, playing in the band, Cycles, based out of Brooklyn, NY.


Sean Zhuraw’s poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Boston ReviewfoothillJERRY, and The Columbia Review. He’s currently a teaching/writing fellow at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop where he was the winner of the John Logan poetry prize. He volunteers with the Iowa Youth Writing Program and the writing workshop at Oakdale Prison. He graduated from Columbia University and hails from Philadelphia.

This Friday: Joanna Klink

Here’s a little sample of what’s to come this Friday– a classic poem from Joanna Klink.

We’re excited to see you at the Blue Angel! Don’t forget to RSVP and to like Metro Rhythm on Facebook!